Artists: Hyuro

Available artworks from artist, Hyuro

About the artist:

Hyuro was born in Argentina, but currently lives in Spain. 

She began her career as a formally trained fine artist using traditional materials, but in the first decade of the new millennium she met the street artist, Escif and began diving into that world .

Her highly recognizable use of negative space in her large scale murals and her distinct figurative stylizations and feminist content slant has helped cement her status as one of Spain's premier muralists.

She continues to produce paintings and drawings for gallery exhibition as well.

Her adopted street artist moniker  HYURO, is a mix between her two surnames.

instagram: @h_y_u_r_o

2 products
  • Hyuro 'Untitled #2'
    Hyuro 'Untitled #2'
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  • Hyuro 'Untitled #1'
    Hyuro 'Untitled #1'
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